Trustgrid User Account Management

Managing your password and MFA settings for your Trustgrid user account.

Below shows how to manage password and MFA settings for organizations relying on native Trustgrid user accounts, instead of a custom Identity Provider. These instructions assume you can authenticate successfully with your Trustgrid account. If not you will need to work with Trustgrid support.

Change Password

To change your Trustgrid password:

  1. Login to the Trustgrid portal using your current password and provide your MFA code
  2. From your user profile dropdown, select “Security”
    Security menu option
  3. Provide your current password, enter a new password twice, and click submit.
    Change password prompt

Change MFA

To change your multi-factor authentication (MFA) application:

  1. Login to the Trustgrid portal using your current password and provide your MFA code
  2. From your user profile dropdown, select “Security”
    Security menu option
  3. Scan the provided QR code with your new MFA application
  4. Enter the Authenticator Code provided by your new MFA application
  5. Enter your current password and click submit.
    Change MFA prompt

Reset MFA

Users with the users::modify permission, such as those with the builtin-tg-access-admin policy, can reset another user’s MFA by following the steps below:

  1. Login to the Trustgrid portal using your current password and provide your MFA code
  2. Navigate to User Management > Users
  3. Select the user you want to reset and select the “Reset MFA” option from the Actions drop down.
    Reset MFA prompt
  4. The user will be required to reconfigure MFA on their next login.