Event Types

Filter Type NameSeverityMessageDescription
All Gateways DisconnectedWARNINGThis event will be triggered if an edge node loses connectivity to all it’s available gateways.
All Peers DisconnectedWARNINGThis event will be triggered if a node is configured as a gateway an it lose connectivity to all it’s configured edge nodes.
Certificate ExpiringWARNINGAlerts when a certificate uploaded via Portal → Certificates is about to expire in less than three months.
Cluster FailoverINFONode is the active cluster memberSent by a node when it claims the active role.
Cluster FailoverINFONode is no longer the active cluster memberSent by a node when it releases the active role.
Configuration Update FailureINFOUnexpected error pulling the most recent configuration form the cloud endpointIndicate the node is unable to connect to the configuration REST API endpoint within the Trustgrid Control Plane. Verify all required communication is allowed to Control Plane.
Connection FlappingWARNINGAlerts when a node disconnects and reconnects 10 times within 5 minutes. A follow up alert will be sent after each subsequent 120 disconnect/reconnects.
Connection FlappingINFOThis alert will be sent when a node’s “Connection Flapping” issue has been resolved.
Connection TimeoutERRORAlerts when a node does not reconnect after a profile update has been pushed to the node.
Data Plane DisruptionWARNINGThis event will be triggered if a data plane tunnel is terminated unexpectedly.
Data and Control Plane DisruptionERRORData and Control plane connection is up/downGenerated when a node cannot establish a connection to the Trustgrid control plane and all its configured data plane gateways. If clustered this will mark the node as unhealthy triggering a cluster failover
Data Plane DisruptionWARNINGGateway nodename removed from the domainIf a node acting as a gateway (public, private or hub) is disabled or the gateway service is disabled all other nodes in the domain will log this event.
DNS ResolutionERRORDNS resolution failed/re-establishedOnce per hour the node will attempt to resolve a trustgrid.io DNS address using the configured DNS servers. This event is triggered if the node is unable to resolve the requested address.
Gateway Connectivity Health CheckCRITICALAlerts when an edge node is unable to communicate with a gateway node.
Gateway Connectivity Health CheckINFOAlerts when an edge node reestablishes connectivity to a gateway node after a failure is reported.
Gateway Ingress Limit ReachedERRORAlerts when a gateway node’s ingress limit is above 95 percent utilization for two minutes straight.
Metric Threshold ViolationERRORAlerts when a node cpu, ram, disk, or latency configured metric threshold is violated.
Metric Threshold ViolationINFOAlerts when a previously reported threshold violation has been cleared.
Network ErrorCRITICALStale ARP detectedAlerts when a stale ARP entry is detected for a node’s cluster IP.
Network ErrorWARNINGInterface {OS interface name} is running with half-duplexAlerts if an interface has been detected running at half-duplex. This is almost always a result of a failure to auto-negotiate the speed/duplex and can result in poor performance.
Network Health CheckERRORInterface {OS interface name} is down / All interfaces are upGenerated when link is lost on a configured interface. This is generated even if the interfaces is set with the “Ignore Health Check” setting enabled. Note: Interfaces with APIPA addresses are ignored.
Node ConnectINFOAlerts when a node connects to the control plane.
Node DisconnectWARNINGAlerts when a node disconnects from the control plane.
Node DeleteWARNINGNode deletedEvent generated whenever a node is deleted
Node Stop ErrorERRORFailed to stop the Node service cleanlyIndicates that the Trustgrid service did not stop normally prior to this instance starting
Order CreatedINFOAlerts when a new provisioning order has been created.
Order CommentedINFOAlerts when a provisioning order case has been commented.
Unauthorized IPWARNINGAlerts when a node’s public IP has been locked but the connection to the control plane comes from a different IP.
DeregisterINFODevice was deregistered from the consoleEvent is sent if a user with console access runs the deregistration process